This is a lovely way to identify and show pride in a subtle yet glamorous way. However, some of the work on the piece does not seem up to previous standards of other pieces bought. My first ring came with a tip cz missing, and my replacement has a dull cz on one tip. I will keep it since the prongs appear secure, but this is the second time this month I have had issues with orders from the website. When I go into the store on Prince Street, I can see what I am buying, flaws and all. Even in the grab bag area, I have never seen a missing stone or broken clasp. Since prices online are almost always lower, it makes sense to order from there. But I am getting suspicious with the fulfillment items. This was one of your demi-fine items ;the quality should be even higher. I am a butterfly tier member who wants to keep using the website . But please, check your merch!